BULLSH!T Reviews: “Skins Rise: Part One”

BY HARRISON CARTWRIGHT If we’re being technical, “Skins Rise – Part One” effectively marks the official beginning of the Skins swansong (sob). What better way to go out then with a story headlined by one of the most contentious characters to ever grace the show with his foul-mouthed disposition? Hold onto your handrails, ladies and…

100 Things We Call Bullshit On

BY THE BULLSH!T TEAM Wow. We’ve made the big triple digits. 100 articles discussing the things that are at the forefront of our minds and on the tips of our tongues. We’ve seen over 15,000 hits to this site (thank you), close to 200 comments (thank you, again), and so many FB/Twitter likes/shares/favourites/retweets. We’re stoked…

A Weekend At PAXAus

BY SEAN GARRETT I’m not one for using the generic “Oh my God, I’ve had the best weekend of my life” phrase very often, but in the case of the weekend just gone, I think it’s been well deserved and justified. I was one of the lucky 30 000+ to attend the inaugural PAXAus (Penny…

The Gentry Man’s Guide: The “Cheap” Suit

BY THE GENTRY MAN ERMENGILDO ZEGNA, TOM FORD, HUGO BOSS, BRIONI, PAUL SMITH, ALEXANDER MCQUEEN, and the list goes on. The list goes on to such an extent that sometimes you get sick of hearing these names and hearing bogans butchering the pronunciation of them. (If you’re trying to impress somebody guys, “Zegna” is not…

How to spot a Catholic school graduate

BY VINCENT VARNEY Catholicism is becoming an alien concept in Australia, with Church attendance falling and the nation drifting further towards secularism. As long as Tony Abbott doesn’t get his way, the trend will likely continue. While I have no objections to this fleeting interest in religion, it’s becoming common for Catholic school students and…

BULLSH!T Reviews: “Skins Pure: Part Two”

BY HARRISON CARTWRIGHT Last week, we checked back in with Cassie (Hannah Murray) after a half-decade absence to find her drifting aimlessly through life, lacking a purpose or direction. It wasn’t the strongest episode, however some 11th hour developments set the story on course for a stronger backend. Thankfully, the second part of ‘Pure’ seems…

The Janoski-whats?

BY TAHLIA PRITCHARD  You may or may not have heard of the Janoskians. You could be like me and upon hearing the name thought it was another boy band of some description. Don’t make that grave error however, because The Janoskians are like, #notanotherboyband okay? It’s hash-tagged on their twitter, so it’s true. After watching…

Smartphones (or the Art of Rubbing It In)

BY HARRISON CARTWRIGHT A natural progression of logic would dictate that the further we as a civilisation advance towards the future, the easier things would become – both for us on a larger scale, and on a smaller, more personal one as well. Recent decades have seen an advent in social media technologies to the…

How your life will turn out, as told by teen dramas.

The teenage years are eerily similar to wandering through a cavernous tunnel – you can’t see where you’re headed, you navigate the experience by feel, and your lack of phone reception will make you think you’re going to die. If you’re stranded in the cave of adolescence, there’ll be moments when the stress will become…