Kings Cross nightclub Soho under fire for grossly inappropriate ad.

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that Kings Cross is a cesspool of filth, sleaze and general gross things. Owner of Kings Cross club Soho, AKA that place you drunkenly pashed people a few days after turning 18 (or before, if you knew the right people), has decided to add to that with an ad intended…

KFC serving beer

Now you can have your KFC binge with a side of beer.

How many times have you indulged in a KFC binge and fought back the self loathing, knowing, “this would only be acceptable if I was drunk”? Well kids, do we have some good news for you today… When you’re drinking and you’ve got the rumblies, there is only one way to satisfy your basic human needs.…

SBS Insight marijuana debate

Marijuana and you: SBS nails interactive promotion.

If you walked out of Railway Square in Sydney today, you would have come across a very interesting kind of installation. There’s a big box with live growing weed in it. I don’t know how else to explain it.   #yestopot @insightSBS billboard says it all — The Delta Riggs (@thedeltariggs) September 29, 2014…

burqa ban australia

News Corp Niqab experiment backfires.

The Daily Telegraph published an article today chronicling a journalist’s attempt to understand what Muslim women in Australia experience in their day-to-day lives by wearing a niqab for two days. The piece, titled ‘Life under the Muslim veil: Our reporter’s day shrouded and afraid on familiar streets’, was written by Tanya Smart, who was attempting…