11 real reasons the Sutherland Shire is God’s Country.

A few months ago we bought you 10 real reasons why Wollongong is the happiest city in Australia. Tonight, their northern cousin is getting the same treatment – because it hasn’t earned the ridiculously eye-roll-inducing moniker of God’s Country for no reason . Presenting 11 real reasons that the Sutherland Shire truly is God’s Country:…

Fun BULLSH!T Updates

Hello faithful readers, It’s been an epic journey so far for the BS crew. What came as a random idea on a long commute home has turned into a delightful little blog that we hope you’re having as much fun reading, as we have had creating it! Things are only going to keep getting bigger…

ASK BULLSH!T: Advice Column

We’re starting a new section on BS where basically you can ask questions and get advice/answers from contributors. We set up a tumblr to do this from, so you can remain anonymous if you wish. You can also email bs.editor@live.com with your question if that floats your boat. No question is off limits. Relationships, sex, societal…

Rack Rack City Bitch.

BY TAHLIA PRITCHARD “He just kept staring at my tits!” a friend exclaimed once, while wearing a push up bra that made her boobs go up to her chin. Girl, even I can’t stop staring at your tits, and they’re definitely not an aphrodisiac for me. The boob fascination is one that puzzles me a…