The Bali Nine: no one should face execution

In the wake of the final cruel hours before the sentenced deaths of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, all bids for clemency and all legal appeals have been exhausted. All that awaits these men, and seven others, is to stand down the barrel of the flawed Indonesian Criminal Justice system as a bitter conclusion to…

Watch Tony Abbott try to Shake It Off in this new video.

Remember that hilarious video that set Tony Abbott’s political exploits to Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball? Or the more recent one which saw old mate Tone channeling Pharrell with a rousing rendition of Happy? Today, the brains behind what has truly been one of the best collections of satire to emerge since Abbott took to government…

tony abbott facebook new delhi

Tony Abbott’s real popular in India, apparently.

It’s been realised today that Tony Abbott has a few new fans. Well, 51,808 new fans, to be exact. The most interesting part, however, is that the majority of Tone’s Facebook likes are from New Delhi, India. Not exactly the right demographic and definitely not the ones that will be voting for you, but damn…