The Day I Lost the Love of my Life.

BY TAHLIA PRITCHARD Two weeks ago something dreadful happened. Giving up on studying at the library, I threw my books and my drink bottle into my bag, placed my laptop with them and headed off on my merry way. In my rush to leave the library’s quiet level (where all uni students go to die),…

Bullsh!t remembers: Hanson

BY VINCENT VARNEY 27 May 2013 will go down in history as a momentous day. For years to come, sweaty men will pile into pubs to reminisce with their war buddies; stores will ask their customers to stop and take a moment to remember; and one day your grandkids will ask, “where were you?” So…

It’s All True About That Wooden Leg

BY ALICE ANTONOV As you can probably tell from my last name, I’m not Aussie. Well, I am. I was born in Australia but both of my parents moved here from Russia and both of them possess strong accents that can sometimes be really embarrassing when I’m out in public with them. I used to…

Eddie McGuire Schedules Immediate Oral Foot Removal

BY MATHEW PURSER Only 72 hours ago BS covered the storm in a teacup that was the Adam Goodes racism saga whipped up by the actions of a silly girl during the game between the Sydney Swans and Collingwood in the AFL over the weekend. It was quickly and publicly dealt with by all parties…

Why girls won’t date the ‘Nice Guy’:

“Girls never go for the nice guys.” It’s a common complaint among my male friends; all girls go for jerks. Like an annoying mosquito, I kind of want to slap any whiny male that utters this phrase. See, ‘nice guy’ is a term I have a bit of an issue with. Maybe it’s based on…

The perks of having a cold

BY VINCENT VARNEY With winter just around the corner, it’s best to prepare for the inevitable: At some point you’ll get a cold. You can avoid alcohol, dairy and people in general – replacing each with an unnaturally high dose of vitamin C – but you can’t fight fate. And boy, does fate have a…

Oh….so that’s what it meant..

BY TAHLIA PRITCHARD There’s a point in everyone’s life when you grow up and what seemed so innocent and fun as a kid may turn out to shock your adult brain. In this instance, I’m talking songs, movies and dialogue that you may have listened back on and realised: “Oh wow. That’s what they were…

Let’s talk about sex, baby.

I’ve lost count of how many times my eyes have been inundated with articles such as ‘Is he just in it for the sex?’ ‘When do you know when to let go?’ ‘Is he a commitment-phobe?’ ‘Ditch him if he won’t commit!’ ‘Why don’t men want relationships straight away?’ ‘Sex = physical for men, sex=…

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

BY MATHEW PURSER I assume by now everyone is more than familiar with this weekend’s unfortunate story revolving around Sydney Swans’ star Adam Goodes? If not, perhaps you’re reading this from somewhere outside of Australia, that link provides a surprisingly level-headed rundown of the whole sorry saga. My interest in this story isn’t so much…