We need to stop expecting women to be feminists.

Since feminism made its way back in to the spotlight of popular culture some three or four years ago, it has become a need-to-know qualifier for the way we treat our public figures. From Beyoncé to Taylor Swift to even Joseph Gordon-Levitt, admitting publicly to being a feminist almost guarantees one a base of loyal…

5 reasons why horror films scare the shit out of us

It’s Halloween today, so whether you’re celebrating or pretending not to answer the door, you may be sitting down for a good dose of horror sometime tonight. Scary movies are a sacred part of pop culture, offering a rush of adrenaline that can leave us screaming in excitement, or pissing our pants in seemingly endless…

street harassment video

This is what it’s like to walk on the streets as a woman.

“Hey Baby” “Smile!” “Damn!” “Hey Beautiful.” “Somebody’s acknowledging you for being beautiful, you should thank them more!” These are examples of the many catcalls and street harassment experienced by Shoshana Roberts in a ten hour period walking through New York.  The suggestions range from aggressively insisting that she should smile, to downright intimidating when a man follows…

Please, don’t tell me what to eat

“Maybe you should try… It’s better for you than that. Cut this out. Eat more of this. It worked for me.” I love food. Plain and simple. I love cooking food, I love eating food. I. Love. Food. I am a runner. That is the entire point of this blog. I run. I run, and…

Hamish Anderson Restless review

BULLSH!T Reviews: Hamish Anderson – Restless (EP 2014)

You may know the name Hamish Anderson from a plethora of things: perhaps you’re already acquainted to his bluesy, catchy tracks or you may remember him from our 5 Minutes With segment. If you don’t know of him, it’s time to sit up and take notice: because he’s a musician that deserves to be recognised…

8 Times that Daniel Radcliffe proved he’s perfect

Today, Daniel Radcliffe was once again exposed for being a fine example of a humble, reasonable human being. When he was interviewed for his latest film, “Horns”, he was once again told that he is an “unconventional romantic lead”. Apparently, people may be uncomfortable associating him with sexual roles after he grew up as a…