Types of men on twitter

The 8 men who try to pick you up on Twitter.

A little while ago, I pitched an article on how to pick-up your Twitter crush. I got about two lines in to writing it before I realised: I was doing a terrible, horrible thing.  Not because my advice was bad, but because the last thing I wanted to do was give men more impetus to…

toast to 2014

A toast to the year that was.

It’s been a big year. I know that it tends to be customary to get to the end of a calendar year and lament such things, but it’s got to be said. That shit has been crazy. It’s been intense, it’s been heartbreaking and it’s been spectacular at the same time – and yes, it has…

A BULLSH!T guide to Christmas gifts.

Let’s face it, sometimes Christmas takes more spirit than it gives. It’s not that we don’t love discouraging an old relative’s casual racism over Christmas Turkey. Between the liquor, congregations of people and close quarters, it can get a little bit much. Butthe biggest lottery of Christmas by far is Secret Santa. Unless you’re lucky enough…

introvert myths

Busting the myths surrounding introverts

Everyone can generally stereotype themselves as either an extrovert or an introvert. Depending who you’re around, you could be one or the other. Or perhaps, you’re fighting that internal battle of introvert stuck in an extroverts life. In our heads we have the stereotypical images of both the ‘verts’ (it’s the lingo okay). The introverts…

If our youth dictated our career decisions

Remember how much certainty you had with EVERYTHING when you were younger? The opposite sex had cooties, tuck-shop Fridays were the best thing that could happen in a week and of course, you knew exactly how your life would plan out when you got really old and grown-up. The BULLSH!T Team had a little reminisce…

6 things we learned from the Mean Girls 10-year reunion

Ten years after it’s inception, most of us still ride on the comeback-coattails of the infinitely quotable “Mean Girls”. There’s never a scenario in life where a “Mean Girls” quote doesn’t slide seamlessly into conversation, providing a witticism you weren’t clever enough to think of for yourself. It is for this, and so many other reasons…