Kings Cross nightclub Soho under fire for grossly inappropriate ad.

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that Kings Cross is a cesspool of filth, sleaze and general gross things.

Owner of Kings Cross club Soho, AKA that place you drunkenly pashed people a few days after turning 18 (or before, if you knew the right people), has decided to add to that with an ad intended to advertise Easter specials that is, to put it simply, really disgusting.

The club used a photo of an intoxicated girl, lying on the ground with her legs spread, throwing up a peace sign, a couple of drinks next to her head. They used this photo in advertising materials approximately a week after club owner Andrew Lazarus’ son Luke was sentenced to jail. For rape.

You can see the ad below:

While Soho have since deleted this ad from all their social media, the backlash continues to be rightfully intense, with people labeling it as grotesque and offensive. Using intoxicated girls as a means of advertising in any form is disgusting enough as it is, and only adds to an already severely damaging culture of sexual and physical assault.

As Clementine Ford writes for the Daily Life:

Instead, we have the same nightclub in which Lazarus flaunted his power publishing photographs depicting women as lifeless vessels for the ‘promising’ young men whose greatest source of regret never seems to be destroying another person’s life

Completely disgraceful. Plain and simple.

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