Amy Schumer slays in parody, “Girl, you don’t need makeup”

The Queen of all that is Holy, Amy Schumer, has bestowed a new parody upon the humble world. Last week, Schumer hit very close to the bone in her “Last fuckable day” clip ridiculing the need for professional women to be beautiful in order to be taken seriously. Her latest “Inside Amy Schumer” clip is a hilarious music video pointing out the double standards of men versus the beauty industry.

Oh, and it’s a not so subtle jab at One Direction.

In what appears to be a response to “That’s What Makes You Beautiful”, the clip begins with the classic male phrase, “Girl, you don’t need makeup”. Once Amy Schumer removes her makeup, the horrified boys realise they were mistaken, they just wanted “natural looking makeup”.  Schumer went for the home run and just kept on running.

Potentially the highlight; one of the boy band members expresses that his “deepest regret” was telling Schumer she didn’t need make up. He claims he “tore up the shag carpet assuming there were hardwood floors underneath, but it turned out they were just dirty linoleum.”

You do you, girl.

If you haven’t watched “Inside Amy Schumer”, now is the time to jump on board.


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